Viking Army Code of Conduct
This sets forth the Code of Conduct that the Viking Army SC Board expect all Viking Army members to abide by, at both home and away matches, and while representing Viking Army SC in the public sphere.
Anyone engaging in behavior that breaches this code of conduct may receive a warning or have an immediate ban imposed upon them by Viking Army SC. In addition, the RBNY Front Office or MLS HQ may also issue punishment which could involve home and/or away match bans.
Conduct of Members
1. Members shall conduct themselves in a manner which complies with the letter & spirit of the Club's published code of conduct.
2. Members shall adhere to all Local, State and Federal government laws and Bylaws when attending Club events or carrying out Club activities.
3. Members shall familiarize themselves with & abide by all applicable stadium rules & regulations when attending games as a spectator.
4. Members shall familiarize themselves with & abide by the MLS and RBNY Fan Code of Conduct (http://www.mlssoccer.com/fans/code-of-conduct) when attending games as a spectator in the U.S. & Canada.
5. Racism, negative prejudice, violence & offensive behavior are prohibited by the Club. Participation in these activities will result in disciplinary action.
6. Viking Army SC reserves the right to refuse the sale of a travel ticket based upon past transgressions.
7. Viking Army SC reserves the right to determine the fitness of any individual to enter the Viking Army section (102) using a ticket sold to them by Viking Army SC. Supporter priced tickets obtained thru the Viking Army SC are not to be resold on any secondary market , if caught disciplinary action will follow.
8. Gross abuse of Viking Army SC Board or Committee members will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Please remember we are unpaid volunteers, we may not get things right all the time, but do our best on your behalf.
9. You are expected to respect the rights of your fellow members by avoiding all forms of intimidation, including sexual/physical harassment, or anything intended to cause a nuisance to others.
10. Any incidences of abusive behavior towards others may result in you being requested to leave the group.
11. You are expected to respect the places you visit, please don’t leave litter or cause any damage.
12. You are individually responsible for complying with the spirit, not just the letter, of laws, regulations and group standards.
Away Game/Bus Trip specific -- In addition to the above…
1. It is your personal responsibility to be at the correct meeting times/places specified by Viking Army SC.
2. You are expected to comply with any reasonable directives given by the group leaders/bus captains.
3. The group leaders/bus captain reserve the right to determine the fitness of any individual to travel on a vehicle hired by Viking Army SC for the purpose of transporting members/supporters, and to determine the fitness of any individual to enter the stadium using a ticket sold to them by Viking Army SC.
4. At the away venue, obey all the rules of the specific venue. Failure to do so may result in removal from the venue and/or future travel sanctions from the Viking Army SC.
5. Violence is not tolerated under any circumstances. You will not be allowed on the bus carrying a weapon or an item that may be used as a weapon.
6. Please report any accidents, injuries, illness, or significant incidents to the group leaders/bus captains immediately. Without reporting it immediately there is way to know way to correct any of the above.
7. You are expected to respect the bus you travel on by not leaving litter and/or causing damage to the bus.
8. There is NO SMOKING OF ANY KIND or USE OF ANY ILLEGAL DRUGS on any Viking Army SC bus at any time. E- Cigarettes will be allowed if the bus driver allows them to be used and only at that time.
Alcohol Policies
1. Members who attend Viking Army events are expected and encouraged to have a good time. As such, it is our duty to ensure that those members who drink alcoholic beverages do so responsibly.
1. All members accused of violating the Club Code of Conduct shall be entitled to a disciplinary hearing with at least three (3) members of the Viking Army SC Board present.
2. The Viking Army SC Board has the right to terminate the membership of any person who commits a gross misconduct offense. These include but are not limited to, criminal acts, gross or repeated violations of league & stadium regulations, racism & bringing the Club's name into disrepute.
3. For lesser offenses the Viking Army SC Board shall deal with matter in any way they see fit including but not limited to, temporary suspension of membership, exclusion from Club events & activities or removal of any official positions held.
4. Should a member commit a disciplinary offense at a game, the Viking Army SC Board may notify the 2 soccer team FOs involved of the outcome of any disciplinary hearing.